About Us
We pride ourselves in celebrating equality, cultural diversity and traditions while doing our bit for the environment in a safe and responsible manner.
ReOil is an Australian owned company which specialises in Environmental petrochemical alternatives and associated services. Our operational, marketing and engineering competencies are tailored towards optimising the relationship between our customer’s sustainability goals and carbon reducing solutions across a broad range of industries.
Our experience covers downstream refining and re-refining across a variety of countries. We pride ourselves in celebrating equality, cultural diversity and traditions while doing our bit for the environment in a safe and responsible manner.
ReOil aims to continually improve at offering our customers and suppliers a professional, efficient and unique service. To achieve this it is important we understand the needs of our customers and suppliers and keep abreast of relevant industry developments. Above all, we need to remain passionate and enjoy what we do and how we are doing it, whilst all along striving for a healthy work life balance. We look forward to our customers and business partners sharing in this experience with us.