News & Information

Carbon negative solvent – Case Study
NovaSolv 160 – Parts Washer cleaning solvent comparison To view the case study, click here

MOB Academy 24-Hour Capri paddle (2020)
On the 15th / 16th October 2020, ReOil proudly supported the Men of Business (MOB) Academy in their 24-Hour Capri Paddle fund raising event. The aim was to help raise

Silver Sparrow Charity – Lego Initiative Update
On Monday 4th November 2019 in the Pietermaritzburg region of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa ReOil was fortunate to meet some amazing little people, and some even more incredible big people. Benjamin

BioShock®Ultra – Featured in Big Rigs Newspaper and Diesel Magazine
It was early 2017 that ReOil started to bring a concept for a new shock absorber fluid for Australian and international markets to life. The vision was to develop a

Silver Sparrow Charity – LEGO initiative
Through the generosity of a local Gold Coast, Qld, Australia school community and Silver Sparrow NPO; ReOil Pty Ltd has been privileged to participate in an initiative supporting underprivileged children in Pietermaritzburg South

Independents see openings in Australia
Lubes n Greases Asia reports on Oil Majors operational retreat from Australia.